digital markeing

How Digital Marketing is Changing the Way we do Business

When it comes to marketing, going digital has had massive consequences.

With the unfurling of present-day Digital advancements, organizations are doing all that they can to coordinate with the pace to benefit from the advanced role of Digital Marketing for business.

This transformation was initiated by the technology industry for B2B oriented businesses in order to deliver efficiency and productivity.

How Does This Affect Your Business?

Today’s consumer has graduated from just buying a product to fulfilling a need by buying the product’s identity. Thus, the consumer has identified 3 Golden Factors of making a purchase:

  • Speed
  • Ease of Transaction
  • Identity

The concludes that sooner, rather than later, your business will have to evaluate itself on many fronts of speed, efficiency, and communication.

While thinking about the role of Digital Media Marketing, the most detectable advantage is its capacity to connect with different clients without utilizing call centers.

The lead generations and conversions related to Digital Marketing is comparatively way better than different other methods of marketing and advertising.

How Exactly Digital Marketing Affects Business?

Instant Communication

Interaction with potential customers is very time-consuming, as the search for a potential customer requires a long wait before you can pitch your business.

The utilization of digital marketing mediums allows companies to interact with people in a public venue, providing a channel to promote products, services, and transparent messages through social media.

Demands Transparency

In the modern world, customers want to know about the companies they interact with and purchase from.

In a study by Label Insight, only 12% of consumers trust companies when it comes to packaging and look for information on the product elsewhere although 67% believe it’s up to the brand to provide them with his information.

For businesses that are transparent and do communicate openly with customers, the reward is loyalty with 94% consumer retention.

To be transparent and build their brand businesses demonstrate their personality online and the company’s ethos.

Personalization is Possible

The most promising part of digital marketing is the ability to personalize content as per the customer. Due to the combination of metrics and interactivity, it’s possible to track the actions and behavior of consumers at an individual level and provide a personalized marketing response to the potential customer.

Better Return on Investment

Traditional marketing methods require huge capital and the cost to acquire a customer is high, due to various aspects of digital marketing the cost of acquiring a customer is low and simultaneously it improves your return on investment.

In conclusion, the bottom line is that if a brand wants to be successful now and in the foreseeable future,

they need to invest in a kind of “cultural radar” by matching their pace with evolving technology and platforms along with investing in digital talent that can understand the customer journey and interpret relevant data to form informative insights.

If you require digital marketing services and require help to manage your digital activities Odopod Marketing Services is here to help you.


  1. January 04, 2022 at 2:34 am

    Great content! Keep up the good work!

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